The microprocessor contains all, or most of, the central processing unit (CPU) functions and is the "engine" that goes into motion when you turn your computer on. A microprocessor is designed to perform arithmetic and logic operations that make use of small number-holding areas called registers.

Thursday, 19 May 2016


 The microprocessor 8088 has all the programming facilities that 8086 has, along with some
hardware features of 8086 like 1Mbyte memory addressing capability, operating modes (MN MX ), interrupt structure etc. However 8088 has 8-bit data bus. This feature of 8088 makes the circuits, designed around 8085, compatible with 8088. All the peripheral interfacing schemes with 8088 are the same as those for the 8-bit processors. The memory and I/0 addressing schemes are now exactly similar to 8085 schemes except for the increased memory (1Mbyte).

-----The best and most beatiful things in the world cannot be seen or ever touched -they must be felt with the heart ------ 
----@Helen Keller@---

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