The microprocessor contains all, or most of, the central processing unit (CPU) functions and is the "engine" that goes into motion when you turn your computer on. A microprocessor is designed to perform arithmetic and logic operations that make use of small number-holding areas called registers.

Thursday, 26 May 2016

Architecture of 80387 processor

The 80387 has an 80-bit internal architecture that offers six to eleven times improvement in performance as compared to 80287. The architecture of 80387. The architecture and functional operation of 80387 is exactly similar to the 80287, except for the data bus size. The data bus of 80387 has 32 data lines D0-D31. The 80387 has two clock inputs to allow the possible asynchronous or synchronous operations with 80386. These operations are selected using the CKM pin of 80387. If CKM is high, the 80387 operates in synchronous mode, otherwise, it operates in asynchronous mode. The bus control unit of 80387 always operates synchronously with 80386, independent of the mode of operation of the floating point unit. In conjunction with READY input, the ADS input pin can be used to delay the bus cycles in reference to CPUCLK2 pin. The status enable pinacts as a chip select for the MCP 80387. The other pins of 80387 have similar functions as the corresponding pins of 80287. The data interface and control unit handle the data and direct into either FIFO or instruction decoder depending upon the bus control logic directive. The decoder decodes the instruction and derives the control signals to control the data flow inside the 80387. This unit generates the synchronization signals for 80386. The FPU is responsible for carrying out all the floating point calculations allotted to the coprocessor by 80387.
Love isn't something you find. Love is something that finds you. :::::@Loretta Young

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