The microprocessor contains all, or most of, the central processing unit (CPU) functions and is the "engine" that goes into motion when you turn your computer on. A microprocessor is designed to perform arithmetic and logic operations that make use of small number-holding areas called registers.

Friday, 20 May 2016


At the starting the CS: IP is loaded with the required address from which the execution is to be started. Initially, the queue will be empty and the microprocessor starts a fetch operation to bring one byte (the first byte) of instruction code, if the CS: IP address is odd or two bytes at a time, if the CS: IP address is even. The first byte is a complete opcode in case of some instructions (one byte opcode instruction) and it is a part of opcode, in case of other instructions (two byte long opcode instructions), the remaining part of opcode may lie in the second byte. But invariably the first byte of an instruction is an opcode. These opcodes along with data are fetched and arranged in the queue. When the first byte from the queue goes for decoding and interpretation, one byte in the queue becomes empty and subsequently the queue is updated. The microprocessor does not perform the next fetch operation till at least two bytes of the instruction queue are emptied. The instruction execution cycle is never broken for fetch operation. After decoding the first byte, the decoding circuit decides whether the instruction is of single opcode byte or double opcode byte. If it is single opcode byte, the next bytes are treated as data byte depending upon the decoded instruction length; otherwise, the next byte in the queue is treated as the second byte of the instruction opcode. The second byte is then decoded in continuation with the first byte to decide the instruction length and the number of subsequent bytes to be treated as instruction data. The queue is updated after every byte is read from the queue but the fetch cycle is initiated by BIU only if at least two bytes of the queue are empty and the EU may be concurrently executing the fetched instructions.The next byte after the instruction is completed is again the first opcode byte of the next instruction. A similar procedure is repeated till the complete execution of the program. The main point to be noted here is that the fetch operation of the next instruction is overlapped with the execution of the current instruction. As shown in the architecture, there are two separate units, namely, execution unit and bus interface unit. While the execution unit is busy in executing an instruction, after it is completely decoded, the bus interface unit may be fetching the bytes of the next instruction from memory, depending upon the queue status.RQ GT0 , RQ GT1-Request/Grant: These pins are used by other local bus masters, in maximum mode, to force the processor to release the local bus at the end of the processor's current bus cycle. Each of the pins is bidirectional with RQ GT0 having higher priority than RQ GT1. RQ GT Pins have internal pull-up resistors and may be left unconnected.

              ===@ Abdul kalam @=====

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